int lcInOrgY;
int lcInOrgZ;
int lcInExtY;
int lcInExtZ;
int lcOutOrgY;
int lcOutOrgZ;
int lcOutExtY;
int lcOutExtZ;
FIX32 lcSensY;
FIX32 lcSensZ;
int lcSysMode;
int lcSysOrgX;
int lcSysOrgY;
int lcSysExtX;
int lcSysExtY;
FIX32 lcSysSensX;
FIX32 lcSysSensY;



uint lcBtnDnMask;

Specifies the buttons for which button press events will be proc­essed in the context. In the case of overlapping contexts, button press events for buttons that are not selected in this field may be processed by underlying contexts.

uint lcBtnUpMask;

Specifies the buttons for which button release events will be processed in the context. In the case of overlapping contexts, button release events for buttons that are not selected in this field may be processed by underlying contexts. If both press and re­lease events are selected for a button (see the lcBtnDnMask field above), then the interface will cause the context to implic­itly capture all tablet events while the button is down. In this case, events occurring outside the context will be clipped to the context and processed as if they had occurred in the context. When the but­ton is released, the context will receive the button release event, and then event processing will return to normal.

uint lcDevice;

Specifies the device whose input the context processes.

int lcInExtX;

Each specifies the extent of the context's input area in the tab­let's native coordinates, along the x, y, and z axes, respec­tively. Each will be clipped to the tablet native coordinate space when the context is opened or modified.

int lcInOrgX;

Each specifies the origin of the context's input area in the tab­let's native coordinates, along the x, y, and z axes, respec­tively. Each will be clipped to the tablet native coordinate space when the context is opened or modified.

uint lcLocks;

Specifies which attributes of the context the application wishes to be locked. Lock conditions specify attributes of the context that cannot be changed once the context has been opened (calls to WTConfig will have no effect on the locked attributes). The lock conditions can be combined by using the bitwise OR opera­tor. The lcLocks field can be any combina­tion of the values de­fined in table 7.13. Locks can only be changed by the task or process that owns the context.

WTPKT lcMoveMask;

Specifies which packet data items can generate move events in the context. Bits for items that are not part of the packet def­ini­tion in the lcPktData field will be ignored. The bits for but­tons, time stamp, and the serial number will also be ig­nored. In the case of overlapping contexts, movement events for data items not selected in this field may be processed by underlying con­texts.

uint lcMsgBase;

Specifies the range of message numbers that will be used for re­porting the activity of the context. See the message descrip­tions in section 6.

wchar[LCNAMELEN] lcName;

Contains a zero-terminated context name string.

uint lcOptions;

Specifies options for the context. These options can be com­bined by using the bitwise OR operator. The lcOptions field can be any combination of the values defined in table 7.11. Specify­ing options that are unsupported in a particular im­plementation will cause WTOpen to fail.

int lcOutExtX;

Each specifies the extent of the context's output area in con­text output coordinates, along the x, y, and z axes, respec­tively. Each is used in coordinate scaling for absolute mode only.

int lcOutOrgX;

Each specifies the origin of the context's output area in con­text output coordinates, along the x, y, and z axes, respec­tively. Each is used in coordinate scaling for absolute mode only.

WTPKT lcPktData;

Specifies which optional data items will be in packets re­turned from the context. Requesting unsupported data items will cause WTOpen to fail.

WTPKT lcPktMode;

Specifies whether the packet data items will be returned in abso­lute or relative mode. If the item's bit is set in this field, the item will be returned in relative mode. Bits in this field for items not selected in the lcPktData field will be ignored. Bits for data items that only allow one mode (such as the serial number) will also be ignored.

uint lcPktRate;

Specifies the desired packet report rate in Hertz. Once the con­text is opened, this field will contain the actual report rate.

FIX32 lcSensX;

Each specifies the relative-mode sensitivity factor for the x, y, and z axes, respectively.

uint lcStatus;

Specifies current status conditions for the context. These condi­tions can be combined by using the bitwise OR opera­tor. The lcStatus field can be any combination of the values defined in table 7.12.
